Woman’s body found in water tank in Chiba - Japan Today

2022-04-21 10:59:18 By : Ms. Fenny Deng

JapanToday Gleams Akihabara 703 2-8-16 Higashi-Kanda Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0031 Japan Tel: +81 3 5829 5900 Fax: +81 3 5829 5919 Email: editor@japantoday.com ©2022 GPlusMedia Inc.

The body of a woman was found inside the water tank of an apartment building in Chiba city on Monday.

Police said they received a call from a man who lives in the building in Inage Ward, reporting that a human hand was protruding from the water tank. Kyodo News reported that police retrieved the body from the water tank at around 8:55 a.m. The woman was in a state of cardio-respiratory arrest. She was rushed to a hospital, where she died about two hours later.

Police said there were no external signs of injury on her body.

The tank stores drinking water for the apartment building’s tenants. The impact of the woman's body caused a one-square-meter hole in the tank’s roof.

Police said they have not determined whether the woman, who lived in the apartment building, jumped or was pushed from her apartment into the tank below. She was fully clothed and wearing shoes when found.

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75% pushed, 25% jumped herself. If you’ve lived here for a while, and also Police surely have, then you surely very well know of the common habit of taking shoes mostly off on any such similar and other occasions. Even in every TV drama this taking off and the shoes themselves, are a main part of the related drama scenes and later evidence.

I expect the other residents will be drinking bottled water for at least the next few days.

I think the tank needs to be drained, and refreshed with clean and uncontaminated water.

Reminds me of the Elisa Lam story and the Cecil Hotel in LAX. She disappeared without a trace and there was a lot of speculation when an elevator video showed her acting strangely. Her body was found a week later in one of the water tanks on the roof. There are numerous documentaries about the case, but the Netflix version is the best.

I know this will be deleted, but please explain how the first two comments correspond with the third...

In the interests of accurate journalism

Woman’s body found in water

she died about two hours later

I know this will be deleted, but please explain how the first two comments correspond with the third...

In the interests of accurate journalism

Woman’s body found in water

she died about two hours later

In Japan, only coroners can declare someone dead. Until that point, they are declared in a state of cardio-respiratory arrest. It basically means dead, without having yet had it officially proclaimed. This is the process in Japan, which is why the journalist phrased it the way they did, to ensure accuracy in journalism. As you had wanted. I hope this cleared it up for you.

cardio-respiratory arrest means found dead.

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